At Last! A Proven Platform
You Can Trust
Learn To Make Money Online. The Correct Way
You cannot make people love a service, you have to create a service that people love. - Kyle, Co-Founder
What Are Your Reasons For Needing To Make Extra Money?
Whatever the reason, you're here because you need to make a change.
There are many valid reasons to want to make an extra income:
- You're in college and need to pay down your student loans.
- Your current income isn't paying all the bills.
- You want to stay home with your children but can't afford to live on one salary.
- Your job takes you away from home too often.
- You want to be able to travel.
- You're about to retire and need to supplement your income.
There's nothing more frustrating than debt, or simply lack of funds, to hold you back from the things you'd like to do.

How Taking The First 10 Steps Changed My Life...
It's the most unhappy people who most fear change. ~ Mignon McLaughlin
Hi, my name is Suzanne, and that was me two years ago...unhappy with my circumstances, but afraid to do anything about it. Funny, isn't it? How we get stuck in our routines and resist changing things.
Our financial situation wasn't great. We lived out in the country and I didn't want a daily commute into the city every day. I wanted to spend time with my grandchildren. But mostly, I was concerned about our retirement. There wasn't going to be enough money to live on.
I started researching online the various ways I could make extra money from home. I discovered many methods, but qualifying for surveys or any type of data enty job only made me pennies a day. I wasn't qualified to do the more lucrative jobs like web design or computer graphics.
So I looked at all the ads that popped up in my inbox, and on my social media feeds.
Oh boy, was that a mistake!
Most of these systems promised quick money, with made-for-you products and training. And most of them were all lies if not outright scams. I lost money on a couple of them because once I bought in, there was one up-sell after another. And being new to the industry, I fell for the hype each time.
This led me to believe that this whole industry was hog-wash, lol. Yet, I personally knew a few people who were successful at it. After reaching out, they all told me the same thing. I needed to learn the proper way to build an affiliate marketing business, and a couple of them guided me to a platform they used and trusted.
So... after getting over my shame of not talking to them first, haha, I looked it up and discovered I could start for free. They didn't even want my credit card number!!
They offered me the first 10 steps of their certification course to show me all about affiliate marketing and how to start my own business. Wow! What a difference to what I'd researched so far.
No hype, no grande promises, just honest and reliable training.

What Is Affiliate Marketing, And How Can It Help You?
Affiliate Marketing is a very lucrative industry, and most of you participate in it without even knowing it.
When you search for something online, and find what you're looking for, you make a decision to buy it, right? It could be a product, a service, an online course, anything really....
When you click on the "buy now" or "register here" button, you are sent to the payment page of the company who created the product. But you most likely came from an affiliate's promotional page.
In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is an agreement between a company and you, to promote their product and get a commission when someone buys that product.
So…. you get paid for selling other people’s stuff.
And with the millions of people online, every day, looking to make purchases, it's a trillion dollar industry, That's right, I said trillions! In 2017 people spent $2.3 trillion online, and it's forecasted to jump to $4.9 trillion my 2021. Wouldn't you love to have a piece of that pie?
Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me ~ Carol Burnett

I Found The Perfect Solution I Needed - It Can Be Yours Too
Welcome To Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate is the only platform, online, that provides you with all the training, tools, and support, to build a solid foundation for your business.
They don't promise you overnight riches, because to be frank, that's impossible. What they do promise is to show you the proper way to build your business from scratch. With a solid foundation, you have the ability to sustain it longterm. Which is what you need to create a passive income we all desire.
And you OWN your business not dependant on someone else's made-for-you products that could disappear overnight.
No matter what you may read online, it takes commitment, persistence, and patience to create a comfortable income online. But I promise you it's possible. I know because I've done it!
For changes to be of any true value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent. ~ Tony Robbins

- 1Transform Your Ideas into Profits: turn your hobby, or something you are passionate about, into a profitable business. Wealthy Affiliate can help you choose from over 1 million different niches.
- 2Build Beautiful, Profit Ready Websites: you don't even need any design skills. Their powerful website builder is so easy and the secure hosting is state of the art.
- 3Proven Strategies to Attract Loads of Customers: they teach you the most current techniques to get you those buyers you need to create an income.

A live education with expert help, so you can earn while you learn.
All the tools you need to build and succeed under one roof.
Expert help and live community support of over 800,000 members.

See what some current members have to say...
Premium member since January, 2017
“With all the tools and training here at Wealthy Affiliate, the support, the mentorship, the live video classes, the course lineup, the live chat, the accessibility to incredible mentors, I can say with absolute certainty that this is the best training and mentorship platform for building a successful business online, hands down.”

ERIC (Eric Cantu)
United States
Premium member since June, 2015
“Finding and joining Wealthy Affiliate was a complete game changer for me. If you want to build a real online business then it will take some time and hard work but it will be profitable and sustainable long term. If this is your goal, look no further – WA has everything you will ever need to succeed online.”

LYNNE (LynneHuy)
South Africa
Premium member since May, 2006
“Wealthy Affiliate transformed me. It turned this ordinary guy with no clear career path into someone who will ALWAYS be able to generate an income online. At Wealthy Affiliate you get ABSOLUTE clarity in every aspect within an otherwise foggy and often confusing ‘online biz’ industry. Thank you for everything, Wealthy Affiliate!”

United Kingdom

Start Your Free, No Risk, Starter Membership
No Credit Card Needed

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
The Free Starter Membership is ZERO RISK, ZERO OBLIGATION. You're just minutes away from starting your own successful business online. See why Wealthy Affiliate is the most trusted and respected platform in the world today!

Are You Still Hesitant?
Let's Me Answer Some Common Questions...
#1. Is Affiliate Marketing Hard?
No it isn't, really. It will take a little elbow grease on your part, but no, it really isn't.
I know making a change in your routine and habits is difficult, but please don't let that stop you from making one of the most life changing decisions you can make.
Yes, it will take a little time and effort on your part, but it's so worth it. When I started my business, I knew nothing at all. But with all the help and encouragement I received from fellow members, I kept going. And the learning curve isn't difficult because your lessons are all step by step and interactive.
You can work your business on your own schedule and at your own pace.
You are constantly surrounded by like-minded people who are ready and willing to answer all of your questions, should you have any. They encourage you to reach out and connect.
#2. How Soon Will I Make Money?
That's the most common question, and one of the most difficult to answer, LOL. It really depends on how committed you are, the niche you choose, and the amount of time you spend working on your business.
I commit several hours per day working on my business. I'm in a very competitive niche, so I knew I would have to build up considerable traffic to my website before I would see consistent income.
But you know what? Once Google notices you, and your traffic start to build, the sales start to snowball.
The key is consistency! That's what Google likes!
#3. Can I Remain A Free Member?
You sure can! With the free membership, you get:
~One free website plus hosting.
~The first 10 steps in Phase 1 of the Certification and Bootcamp Training.
~The first two classrooms
~Total access to the entire platform for seven days.
~After seven days, you have limited access to all the benefits, but can remain free as long as you wish.
#4. Are There Any Upsells?
NO. That's whats so great about Wealthy Affiliate. They are very transparent. They will offer you the Premium membership, but there is no pressure to upgrade. If or when you do, that's it. One monthly or annual price (50% discount) that's locked in for as long as you remain a member. For everything!
#5. What Do I Get With The Premium Membership?
That's a question with a BIG ANSWER, haha. Let me break down the six main features...
~Two Certification Courses
~Multiple Classrooms covering everything you could need
~Weekly live webinars with Q & A
~All training done in text and video
~Task oriented training
~Hosting for 10 websites
~SiteRubix website builder
~WordPress sites with a choice of over 3000 templates
~Free SSL plus other premium features at no extra cost
~SiteRubix platform uses the most powerful servers in the world
~Your site is double hosted for full redundancy
~Daily backups
~99.99% average uptime
~Jaaxy is a keyword research tool integrated into the platform
~A powerful way to discover keywords and niches with little competition
~Ability to spy on your competition to get insigtful data to give you an edge
~Live Chat is the only one of it's kind online, within the platform
~Instant help with average response time of 1.8 minutes
~Expert coaching from founders as well as experienced members
~Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs
~The largest internet marketing communitiy in the world with over 1.4 million members
~Make global connections

Some Of Our "Forever" Members...
Premium member since June, 2007
I felt like I found a new family that had the same goals as I did. They all wanted me to succeed and were actually willing to help me. It's been over a decade since joining WA and it has helped me achieve financial and personal freedom that a job could never provide me.
Over the decade I've seen WA evolve in some wonderful ways. It seems like they're never satisfied and continue to push the envelope to help members succeed. As long as you're willing to work hard, then WA can help you achieve your goals. I'm living proof of that.

EDDY (EddySalomon)
United States
Premium member since August, 2010
"Since joining 7 years ago the WA platform has evolved into a dedicated community of entrepreneurs. The membership is truly one to be proud of. It is people helping others to succeed. I have created many lasting relationships with other members. I have met several in person and have lifelong friendships as a result of this program."

CRAIG (Labman)
United States
Premium member since March, 2012
With the training and incredible tools WA offers, I have built my online business up so that me and my Wife no longer need to go to work. My whole households income is generated from what is taught here at WA.
To me, this is simply mind blowing. I am no one special, I don't have any IT or web design experience at all. The only thing I have is Wealthy Affiliate to thank. Me and my family are forever grateful for Kyle, Carson, Jay and all the gang for making Wealthy Affiliate what it is today.

JOSH (Josh From Oz)
What Are You Waiting For?
Try Wealthy Affiliate Free. No Risk, and No Credit Card Required.

You Won’t Fail. We Promise
We have never seen someone fail at Wealthy Affiliate that didn't quit.
Everything you need to create and grow a business to any level online is included. From the education, the tools, the support, the network, the websites, and the community.
The only missing piece is you!

Marketing Chief, Co-founder

Design Chief, Co-founder

Training Chief
PS: When you join, I will personally meet you on the inside, as well as Kyle. I promise to personally coach you as long as you need me. Kyle and the entire community are there for you also.
See you soon!
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